Home Improvement
Rent a Storage Cell
If you think that a warehouse is a dark unheated room where various goods are mixed together, you are mistaken. Modern warehouses offer cells or, as they are otherwise called, storage chambers. These are small rooms equipped with air conditioning and heating systems, as well as a reliable security system and access control. The team of will-stor.com offers clients to rent a cell for any period at an affordable price.
What can be stored in the warehouse cells?

The property that is in the cells is kept under round-the-clock security. So you can store anything here: starting from archives with documents and ending with small batches of goods for your store. Entrepreneurs often store in storage cells the following:
Individuals most often store:
- seasonal clothing;
- things from the old owners of an apartment or garage;
- sports equipment;
- tire kits;
- garden tools, etc.
What can’t be stored in cells?
- food products,
- some explosive objects,
- drugs and chemicals weapons,
- indoor plants and animals,
- flammable and explosive substances and liquids.
A cell in a warehouse

A cell in the warehouse allows you to store things both for a long time and for a short time. This is a small compartment or room, the area of which is limited by an iron gate on the lock.
To store your property, you are offered closed, dry and clean warehouses. Here you can choose a storage room of the area you need. All customers can use parking and loading trolleys absolutely free of charge, and the safety of your belongings is guaranteed by a personal lock, round-the-clock security and video surveillance.
Advantages of storage cells for storing things
- No collateral.
- Daily billing.
- Possibility of deferred payment.
- Saving on the delivery of things.
- Convenient location of the warehouse in the city.
- Individual access to things.
- Convenient warehouse work schedule.
Disadvantages of cells
- You have to pack, ship and bring things yourself.
- You are overpaying for air, since you cannot fill the cell entirely, there is always free space.
- There is no way to store bulky items.

Storage cells are useful when moving, repairing, during vacations, etc. The property that is in the cells is kept under round-the-clock security, and only you have access to your cell!