Home Improvement

Finishing material for any interior and for any surface

Today, a variety of materials and technologies makes it possible to create an original and practical decorative finish for any room.  Ceramic tiles, paper wallpapers, or linoleum are known to almost everyone.  But many people have not heard of such material as Microcement. Meanwhile, it is a wonderful versatile material that can be applied to almost any surface.

In fact, microcement is a kind of decorative plaster.  The composition of microcement or microconcrete includes a cement base, water-based resins, and specific additives, plasticizers.  The color palette is defined by mineral pigments. In addition, it is environmentally friendly. It is the ideal solution for anyone looking for a seamless finishing floor without structural joints.  Microcement is used not only for flooring but it is also suitable for covering any other surface, such as walls, countertops, stairs, showers, swimming pools.

Microcement can be used both in residential premises and in offices, restaurants, hairdressers, and other establishments. Its advantages are water resistance, high abrasion resistance, ease of installation and use.  In addition, a wide variety of shades, matte or glossy surfaces are available to consumers.

Of course, ordinary consumers face a choice problem.  What to give preference to?  Polished concrete floors or microcement floors?  What is floated or trowelled concrete or béton ciré? This is why it is so important to choose the right manufacturer and contractor.  Pay attention to Festfloor.  Festfloor Life microcement is the perfect choice for creating your dream interior.  It is a truly innovative product. The mixture is easy to apply.  Within a few days, your floors will be in perfect condition, provided that you have invited experienced and qualified installers.

You always have a choice, to admire beauty or to own it.  With microcement, beauty will come to your home.

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