Home Improvement
How to Choose the Right Sofa for the Veranda
To arrange a veranda, it is very important to choose the right modern furniture. The choice depends on the type of veranda. All verandas can be divided into open (without windows) and closed (glazed). For each option, you need to choose a sofa individually. For example, if the veranda is closed and has heating, then you can choose any type of furniture from PUSHE. If the veranda is an open type, then you need to choose products that can withstand high humidity, temperature changes, and constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Which sofa is suitable
In order for the sofa in the veranda to be comfortable and last a long time in extreme conditions, it is important to pay attention to the following models:
Wicker sofas
Rattan or wicker is often used to make sofas. Please note that special impregnations are applied to the branches to protect them from moisture penetration.

It is best to regularly treat the surface additionally to avoid rotting. Wicker sofas made from wicker are more practical, as they are reliable, high quality and durable. Wicker furniture can withstand more than 150 kg, while rattan furniture can withstand, most often, no more than 90 kg;
Upholstered furniture covered with rattan
Such products are more convenient to use and are practical. Rattan is also treated with special impregnations, thereby protecting other wooden elements. It is best to choose models that are designed specifically for arranging a veranda or terrace. In this case, you will get a durable and reliable sofa.

Metal sofas with forged elements
This option is used very rarely, since the veranda has a high level of humidity. But most metal sofas undergo special treatment, due to which rust does not form on the surface. It is best if the sofa has a forged back or other parts. This will make the veranda interior more attractive.