Garden Improvement

Tiling Your Conservatory

Most conservatories are small spaces; the size of your conservatory will, of course, affect your choice material, pattern and colour of tile. Often conservatories are not square or rectangular like rooms in the average house, but hexagonal or otherwise differently shaped. Before I had to choose tiles for my own conservatory, I’d have suggested that people steer clear from bold patterns for small spaces and also avoid dark colours which might create an oppressive feel or dominate a room. What I’ve learned is that (apart from being wrong) conservatories are actually brilliant spaces to tile; because conservatories walls are comprised of predominantly glass, they feel open and light so that despite being small spaces conservatories can not only take patterns and colour, but can benefit from both. These beautifully visual online guides, brought to you by House to Home, cover everything from picking the right conservatory and clever uses of conservatory space to dressing and decorating your conservatory.

Initially, I had no idea how many tile options were open to me, not just in colours or patterns but materials. Luckily, typing ‘tiles UK ’ into a search bar, I discovered some site with whom even Versace have created their own tile range! There, I discovered quartz tiles that sparkled like night skies. I discovered tiles that actually look like they’ve been vandalised and grafittiedat some stage in their creation (that’s their design!). I even found stone tiles that were somehow carved to appear like they’d been embossed with roses. There are simply so many ways tiles, I realised, can be used to put your stamp onto a space.

I spent ten years purposefully decorating the house in neutral colours and with natural materials whenever possible to create a calm, peaceful and warm home for my family. Ten years of hard work, only to find that even the ‘scatter cushion’s need carefully arranging daily just to create a relaxed appearance; eventually, I felt the house represented me; neat, neutral and calm. That’s the person I have to be as an employee, a mother and out there in the world. Sometimes, it is not the person I want to be when I come home. When I get home I want to be able to let the little quirks in my personalities shine. For me, that’s what my conservatory has come to represent. The patterned and coloured tiles, rather than dominating the space are gunned all day by light and in the evenings, staring, they glint like a secret smile.

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