Garden Improvement
The Most Effective Ways to Control Pests
Insect pests can destroy crops and flowers. Insecticides are used to treat plants. Some gardeners plant nearby herbs with strong aromas that repel insects, apply mechanical methods of elimination. In combination, these methods give a guaranteed positive result.
Mechanical and biological methods

Plant pests multiply very quickly, attacking fruit and vegetable crops. If there are still a few of them in the garden, you can act without the use of poisons:
- Attracting other insects and birds that feed on parasites. For example, ladybugs and golden eyes are effective against aphids. This method is suitable at the initial stages of infection or as a preventive measure.
- Destruction of anthills. They breed pests to feed on their secretions. By destroying anthills, you can reduce the population of parasites.
- Irrigation with water. A stream of water from a hose is directed at the affected plants. It washes the insects to the ground, where they are eaten by birds.
Insecticide treatment

It is most effective to fight insect pests with the help of chemicals. The main thing is that they are of high quality and effective, so they need to be bought from good suppliers, for example, like Urbania. The number decreases after the first treatment of plantings. The result is noticeable within 2 weeks. To fix it, you need to spray the plants again after 10-14 days.
Insecticidal drugs contain nerve poison. It prevents the transmission of nerve impulses, paralyzes vital systems in the body of insects.
When choosing a chemical, you should focus on the balance of efficiency and safety. The first parameter includes the speed and period of action, resistance. Safety is important if spraying is carried out on the eve of harvest, during the pollination period.
Safety rules
Spraying plants from pests, you need to remember about safety:

- Before processing, make sure that there are no children or pets nearby.
- Dilute the preparations according to the instructions so as not to harm the plants.
- Spray in protective clothing, mask and gloves.
- At the end of the work, wash your hands and face thoroughly.
- When processing plantings with chemicals, harvest in at least 3-7 days.
- Do not allow children and animals to the treated plantings during the week.
The listed methods of control will help to quickly rid the site of pests. If there are pests left on the foliage after irrigation, treat the site again. To prevent infection, more often resort to mechanical and biological means of control.