Garden Improvement

Garden landscaping: what to begin with

Landscape design is an art of three directions: architecture, construction and design. The plot of a country house should reflect the nature of its owners, their principles and priorities. Landscaping has been around for a long time and has undergone many changes over hundreds of years: different design styles have appeared, materials and design methods have changed.

Each of the homeowners can find or create their own style of decoration. There are 3 main principles of landscape design:

Simplicity. All elements should be simple for visual perception.

Convenience. Every plant and structure must have value for the owner: bear fruit, create an inspiring atmosphere.

Beauty. All details must be in harmony with each other: plants with buildings, open fire with electric lighting.

Garden maintenance Glasgow southside takes all of these three characteristics into account when creating the perfect garden. These professionals have knowledge in engineering, biology, computer engineering and design. If you want to get the best result, contact the professionals.

The rules are subject to change in the course of work. For example, some homeowners may want to plant an oak tree or build a large fence to protect the property. These issues should be discussed with the chief designer of the project at the interview stage, the specialist will be able to take into account the wishes of the owners and not violate the basic design principles.

All design elements should look harmonious together. Composition is the ability to put together a whole from many simple parts. Each piece must match the color, size and location of the rest.

One of the most important rules for creating comfort is maintaining one style for all details of the site. Modern landscaping appeared only 200 years ago, and the very principles of the design of the sites have changed along with mankind.


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