Garden Improvement
You Need to Invite a Gardener for These Tasks
Let’s say you recently purchased a site or you inherited it along with all the vegetation. It is clear that caring for it is the destiny of the owner. But there are a number of works that it is better not to do on your own without professional help of Gardeners in Reading or at least sensible advice.
Garden feeding
Depending on the season, plantings need a different ratio of useful elements. Also, when introducing substances, it is necessary to take into account a whole list of factors – the acidity and composition of the soil under a particular plant, the ratio of synergistic elements , their ability to assimilate, air temperature (and hence soil), the interaction of organic matter, green fertilizers, etc. And therefore it is better to invite a specialist at least once for consultation and primary work.

Trimming trees and shrubs
There are at least three main types of pruning – shaping, sanitary and rejuvenating. And there are several of its methods, as well as the nuances associated with pruning various fruit trees and shrubs. In general, here it is better to consult with a specialist.
Tree and stump removal
Uprooting unnecessary vegetation with a powerful root system without anyone’s help is quite difficult. True, a tree can be cut down and the stump remaining from it can come up with a different purpose. But this is optional. And if there is no such desire, then we call a specialist for help.

Chemical weeding
Its essence is the use of selective herbicides, which remove only weeds, while maintaining the viability of cultivated plants. True, under the guise of such herbicides, “miraculous” remedies “with a rather dubious effect” are often sold. Experts will help to distinguish one from the other and properly process the summer cottage.