Home Improvement

Simple rules for choosing church dresses

Most of the girls who have visited church more than once know that a woman here should be rather modestly dressed – in modest church dresses or skirt with a blouse. However, many women set a bad example, dress casually. As a result, many of them have a bad impression of the church, as if only problematic people with oddities are gathered there, lacking an understanding of beauty and even culture.

The church is a place where we need to strive not for ostentatious modesty, but for spiritual growth and purification. Therefore, there is no need to wear a black dress or a floor-length skirt. Such austere clothes are suitable for nuns and Muslim women. For ordinary women in church clothes there is a lot of freedom.

Having reached a certain level of spiritual purity, you can wear even the most open transparent clothes, and they will not harm your spiritual life. But we refuse to overly open clothes because we should not seduce and distract other parishioners in the church.

Dress or skirt should be free cut, without high and deep cuts, length below the knee. As for the bodice, its cut should be closed, and the sleeves should be long or short (just above the elbow). Shoes should also be characterized by modesty, high heels are inappropriate.

Bright colors, flashy prints and inscriptions, of course, should not be in the clothes for visiting the church. Sparkling rhinestones, and especially their abundance, will look defiant, because you did not come to a carnival or New Year’s holiday, but to a conversation with God.

All these recommendations do not mean that the girl should be dressed in all black, brown or gray. No, just your clothes should not attract the views of others. If you think about it, then choosing the best dress will not seem so difficult.

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